Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Operation “BIT” in Sandusky in 1958

After several years of good economic conditions in the United States following World War II, the United States experienced an economic downturn in the Spring of 1958.  President Eisenhower spoke with some Cleveland automobile dealers on April 23, 1958, about a “You Auto Buy It Now” campaign. Business owners in Sandusky started a promotion known as “Operation BIT” which encouraged local residents to “Buy it today” in order to boost the U.S. economy. There were prizes for shoppers and special sales prices offered at many area stores. The advertisement below appeared in the May 21, 1958 issue of the Sandusky Register. The current list of prize winners was printed underneath this ad.

Over one hundred stores in the greater Sandusky area participated in the “Buy It Today” campaign. A logo stated “Sales mean jobs. Buy it today. Do your bit.”

The Bill Walters store ran several special prices during the “Buy It Today” promotion.

An article in the May 14, 1958 issue of the Sandusky Register reported that President Eisenhower praised the Sandusky area for its efforts to help the economic situation. He said, “It is mighty encouraging to me to see businessmen throughout the country roll up their sleeves and show the merchandising genius that has helped to make this country strong. Congratulations and best wishes.”  According to the Economic Report of the President, by the end of 1958, “by the end of the year most of the ground lost had been regained.” 

Many of our parents and grandparents probably enjoyed the sales offered in Sandusky in 1958’s Operation BIT. A view of East Market Street shows just a few of the stores in downtown Sandusky in the mid 1950s.

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